Prospect Camps Women's Basketball

UPDATED 5/23/24
Westmont Women’s Basketball is proud to be hosting their annual Prospect Camp for any one interested in growing in her game and who wants to learn more of what Westmont Women's Basketball is all about! Camp will introduce players to drills and skill development very similar to what we do with our current Warriors! We aim to create an event that will look and feel much like a Warrior practice with our players on hand to demonstrate. Following our time on the court, prospective student athletes will have an opportunity for some Q&A with our current players! We'll talk holistically about the recruiting process as well as specifics to what it looks like to play at and attend Westmont College!
Who: Girls entering 9th through 12th grades
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024
Time: 2:00pm-6:00pm
*Registration begins at 1:45pm
*(Optional) Campus Tour begins at 1:00pm
*(Optional) Q&A Time to begin at 6:00pm
Cost: $99 per participant
Questions? Please email Jana Pearson at